A strictly defined budget of interior finish, saving of time, and no need to become personally involved in the process of arranging an apartment are the most commonly mentioned reasons for choosing this option.
When buying an apartment, we have a more or less precise idea of what it should look like. Much depends on the purpose of real estate. Although visions of an apartment may differ depending on whether we buy it for ourselves or for investment purposes, we always want it to be arranged in a manner that is well-thought-out. Turn-key apartments are a viable option in this case.
Why can apartments ready for moving in become a permanent trend in the premium real estate segment?
Variety of collaboration options
The growing interest in turn-key apartments stems to a large extent from the diversified offer of interior finish. A turn-key apartment is one where you can move in immediately. The only thing that may be missing is furniture, although collaboration variants more and more often offer furnished apartments as well. This is happening because today you can take advantage of the offer not only of developers who propose such solutions but can also have your apartment designed and arranged by an independent contractor that cares for the process of finishing the flat without any involvement of a real estate owner. Another equally competitive offer comes from interior designers who offer designs with project supervision.
A turn-key flat in a standard version includes laid floors, painted walls, as well as connected plumbing and heating systems. There are usually several turn-key options available, which will differ according to used materials and furnishings, and consequently also the standard of finish and the costs of investment.
Both independent contractors and interior designers are increasingly taking one more step and involve professional interior architects as well. The support of specialists warrants the ergonomic and stylistically coherent arrangement of interiors.
Custom-made approach
Whether you decide to buy an apartment from the primary or secondary market, specialist assistance in the process of interior finish usually proves indispensable. Apartments as built by a developer require complete finishing, and those from the secondary market very often need thorough refurbishment. If you decide to finish a flat comprehensively, you can choose from a broad range of materials, such as floorboard or stoneware, as well as different models and colours of interior doors. You can satisfy your preferences also in bathroom ceramics and bathroom fittings.
Saving your time
Apartments in the turn-key option give you comfort of moving into to a ready interior, sometimes shortly after fulfilling formal requirements. As an investor does not need to be personally involved, you may save much time. You do not need to take part in individual processes of interior arrangement or supervise contractors working in the apartment. As a result, without the discomfort related to renovation, you can get an apartment that is ready for moving in.
Strictly defined budget and saving of money
One of the biggest advantages of this solution is a strictly determined budget. If you choose a turn-key apartment, you can plan the costs of the whole investment without the risk of exceeding your budget. Such solutions often enable to save money, because specialist contractors take advantage of discounts on building and finishing materials as well as own personnel, which is much more favourable financially than using external renovation firms.